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اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 58
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/02/2010
العمر : 28

basketball Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: basketball   basketball Emptyالسبت 1 مايو 2010 - 14:59

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Creation [edit]
Basketball was invented in 1891 by Brice Wallerand Declémy a physical education teacher Calais College of St. Peter in The Nord-Pas-de-Calais (France). He wanted to occupy students between the seasons of football and baseball during the winter, during which the practice of outdoor sports was difficult. Naismith also wanted them to find an activity where physical contact is restricted to avoid the risk of injury.

One day he picked up the idea of an ancient Mayan ball game and placed two boxes of fishing on the slopes of the gym. The purpose of his students was to enter a ball in the wooden boxes to score a goal. The boxes are in height, this game required much skill than brute force. Naismith quickly established 13 rules [2] to make this game passable.

The game was called basketball, which means literally in English: "Basketball." The first game in history took place December 21, 1891 and ended on the score of 1-0.

The same year, the game was adapted to be played by women.

Early in its history, the basketball was focused on attacking play and the defense was sidelined. The defense was passive aspect of basketball where the players were waiting for the failure of the adversary and has since acquired a role equal to that of the attack.

Development [edit]
Promoted by the Young Men's Christian Association, the basketball gradually became a common activity in many American colleges. The YMCA played a major role in spreading the sport in the world. It was adopted in many colleges and sports clubs. Shortly before the start of the First World War, the Intercollegiate Athletic Association (forerunner of the NCAA) and the Amateur Athletic Union vied for control of the rules of the game

In 1946 was created the National Basketball Association (NBA) to organize meetings between the best professional teams. In 1967, the American Basketball Association (ABA) is introduced to try to compete with the NBA, but the latter eventually "absorb" in 1976, and is undoubtedly the toughest league in the United States, and even world.

Extension [edit]

A basketball game féminin.Peu after its creation, basketball gradually expanding outside the United States and Canada, and it reached Europe. In 1932, the International Federation of Basketball Amateur (FIBA) was founded by Argentina, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania and Switzerland. Originally, the federation that oversees amateur teams. In 1936, basketball became an official event at the Summer Olympics. In 1950 held the first world championship of basketball and three years later, the same test is introduced for women, why can the Olympic event in 1976.

In 1989, FIBA continues to exclude professional players from its competitions. Shortly after, the first Dream Team (literally: "Dream Team") American, which included Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson competes and reinforces, at least partially, the world domination of the United States in this sport. In recent years, however, a kind of "globalization" of basketball seems to fall into place, resulting in a challenge to the dominance of the United States, which are increasingly being beaten in international competition.

Before 1967, basketball less interested people. To make the games more attractive, Busnel 1967 authorizes two foreigners per team. 1967 is also the beginning of the professionalization of basketball, who actually completed in 1990.

If basketball was all released in France, thanks to Peter Dao, coach of the French male in 1975. Peter Dao brought, an internship in the United States, knowledge of basketball that the French did not.

Rules [edit]
Hardware [edit]

A golf basketball FIBA.
A basketball hoop, ball.Le basketball is usually played in a covered, such as a gym, but it can also be played on playgrounds as a leisure activity in its most popular variant: the streetball ( "street basketball").

The ground is doubly symmetric (length and width). Its dimensions vary according to country or international standards, 22 to 29 meters long and 13-15 meters wide. At both ends of the pitch is just a basket formed by a circle (or hoop) wire located at 3.05 m above ground, below which is attached to an open net in the center. The hoop is attached to a vertical rectangular panel (board) on which the ball can bounce in a shot.

Under each basket is a trapezoidal area called the racket. An arc of a circle of 6.25 m each basket (7.23 m in the NBA) is the line of fire to three points. This line was introduced in 1984. The standard ball has a mass of 650 g and a diameter of 24 cm.

Initially, the basketball was practiced with a soccer ball. The first balls used specifically for basketball were brown, and in the late 1950s, Tony Hinkle, who want to design a ball that is more evident among players and among the audience, introduced the traditional orange ball.

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The game [edit]

A basketball-ball.Le basketball is played by two teams of five players on the field, with a maximum of 5 to 7 Replace the following countries and championships. The goal of each team is to score more points than his opponent by scoring baskets and preventing the opposing team to do the same.

A match is divided into four periods of ten minutes according to FIBA rules, and four periods of twelve minutes as NBA rules. The stopwatch is stopped at every whistle of the referee (in case of fault, output ...). Each team may substitute one or more players during stoppages and downtime.

At the beginning of the game, the commitment is made by the referee as an in-between. For this, a player from each team (usually the one who jumps the highest) was facing his opponent behind the midfield line, towards the basket where he must attack the arbitrator then launches the ball out over both players and they must hit the ball with their hands for a teammate catches it. At this time the game starts.

The players must handle the ball with his hands. Touch with any part of the leg is deliberately prohibited and constitutes a violation.

The ball is out of play when it bounces on the edge or outside the field, or when it is touched by a player who bites or exceeds the bounds. Unlike football, it is not the absolute position of the player or the ball that counts but the rebound or support (a player can dive off the field and save the ball from the moment he let go before to step beyond the property line).

The game time is effective, there is no additional time as in football, a buzzer sounds when the last second of each period has elapsed, but a successful shot after the buzzer can be awarded if the player dropped the ball before the bell does ring.

After the meeting, the team with the most points wins the match. In the event of a tie, then we play 5 minutes of overtime to break the tie, and irrespective of the ongoing competition. If at the end of the extension it is again equal, it replays another extension. There has never draw basketball (except for finals round trip, there may be a draw or return to the game, the winner decided on points accumulated in the two games. [3]).

The attack [edit]

A player tries to penetrate in the paint (painted blue) with ballon.Lorsqu a player is in possession of the ball must dribble it to mean going to bounce the ball up the floor with your hands to be able to travel with. If the player with the ball takes more than two supports without dribbling or makes a complete break in holding the ball to the fall, then it is punishable by a walk (in English: traveling), and the ball is delivered to the opposing team with a throw in.

When a player takes a dribble after stopping it, recovering the ball after taking it off without it nothing has touched it is endorsed by a rebound dribble (double dribble in English) and the ball is delivered to the opposing team. Similarly, a player with the ball has no right to weigh the ball during a dribble, which is a ball wear (carry) and the ball is then returned to the opponent. The hand must always be in effect over the ball.

Any player may pass the ball to a teammate by throwing. When the receiver scores a basket without dribbling, one speaks of the decisive pass.

To score points, any player can throw the ball into the opponent's basket. If the ball passes completely through the hoop, the basket is validated and reported one, two, or three points. The opposing team must then put the ball in play behind the baseline.

The offensive team has 8 seconds to clear his own half called back area (previously set at 10 seconds, the limit was lowered to encourage attacking play). It has a total of 24 seconds to attempt a shot. The clock is reset to 24 seconds when a shot hits the ring or when an opposing player controls the ball on the ground or makes a mistake. In case of cons or if a shot is attempted and the ball does not touch the ring, the clock continues.

A player on offense can not stay more than three seconds in a row in the restricted area. The three seconds are no longer counted from when the player tries to leave the area, and also when the ball touches the circle.

At a throw-in, the attacking team has 5 seconds to make it. A player with the ball and stops the dribble has five seconds to get rid of (for a pass, shot, or by making clever touch by an opponent - if the opponent submits to pressure defensively (Action close defense)).

Basketball game between teams from universities américainesSi the ball enters the basket without touching anything called cala swich.Si ilne a button or the basket or the board it says that there is an air ball

The defense [edit]
The defenses are not born all at once. Here is a chronological order of appearance of different defenses key in basketball:

The defense spontaneous, intuitive, wild
"The players ran in all directions and all the land, they tried to take the ball to the opponent. This defense is now the one made by young players.

Defending individual strict
First organized defense that leads the development of defensive responsibility. We discover the online attacker basketball. This defense allows a team to challenge the same level. This defense has its limits when the attacker is very strong.

Area defense
The defense also poses many problems for the attackers because it is difficult to penetrate in the paint and attackers are forced to kick midway. The reference area in the 1960s is the 2-1-2. With the emergence of areas that the concept of rapid game (before the establishment of defense) appears.

Defending individual with limited risk-taking
It is at this point that the notion of support appears (float depth). Defenders react and place according to the movements of the ball carrier.

From 1960, the basketball is a watershed. An essential rule changes: the rule of walking. Before, the basketball player could not make two and two before his dribble after dribble. This change allows the defender to become more aggressive. The defense is no longer a passive moment in basketball, he became a reconquest of the ball.

Today, there are essentially two ways to defend a team: the zone defense and individual defense. In the first five players each must cover a specific part of half the field, and support an opposing player when he enters his zone. Until 2001, this type of defense was prohibited in the NBA. In an individual defense, each player supports an opponent and deals to stay with it throughout the game. There are many variations mixing these two defensive tactics. We can talk about the particular area press appeared in 1964. Done well, this defense is very useful to quickly recover a maximum of balloons.

Oscar Torres countering adverse.Lors fire a shot, the defenders have the right to address the ball as it is in the ascendant to the basket. A cons made in downturn (in English: Tending goal) is illegal and in this case the basket is provided.

In basketball, the contact with the ball carrier are generally prohibited. If shock is usually the defender is punished by a personal foul, except when standing still and that the attacker who struck which case the attacker is punished by a shift in power and the ball is awarded to another team.

In case of fault of the defender on dribbling (contact with the arm, obstruction), the ball is awarded to the attacking team to where the foul was committed outside of bounds.

When a personal foul is committed on a player who draws or prepares to shoot, a player must shoot two free throws, three in the case of a three-point shooting, but only when the basket is successful and granted.

When a player has committed five personal fouls (six in the NBA) during the match, then it is replaced and no longer eligible to play again until the end of the match.

Each quarter, once a team total of four fouls, the opposing team pulls out automatically throws opposing each new fault.

If a team is in the front zone (attacking half) with the ball, and it comes back in the back (by an assist or support in his own half), the referee whistles a return area. The ball is returned to the opponent at the spot nearest the violation, outside of bounds.

"We mark in attack, it is more defense" (Morrison)
"My best memory of basketball is that the opposing team has scored zero points" (Bobby Knight)
"The attack roused the crowds, while the defense does win titles" (Michael Jordan)
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عدد المساهمات : 58
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/02/2010
العمر : 28

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مُساهمةموضوع: basketball   basketball Emptyالسبت 1 مايو 2010 - 15:02

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد المساهمات : 58
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/02/2010
العمر : 28

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: basketball   basketball Emptyالسبت 1 مايو 2010 - 15:05

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