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 football lol

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عدد المساهمات : 58
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/02/2010
العمر : 28

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مُساهمةموضوع: football lol   football lol Emptyالسبت 1 مايو 2010 - 15:04

[center]Football match CanadaContrairement sports "noble" as cricket, tennis, hockey and rugby, soccer is not very developed in sports clubs located in the British Empire. Thus, this discipline is still somewhat popular in India, Pakistan, North America or Australia, among others. In South Africa, British colonial import to football in 1869 [31] and a cup of Natal was organized in 1884 [32], but football, king sport in the townships [33], remains very poorly received by adherents white apartheid who prefer rugby, tennis and cricket. Football was, indeed, pointed to denounce apartheid and from April 9, 1973, a team combining players black and white represent South Africa at an international match against unofficial Rhodesia [34] .

The British nevertheless play an important role in the dissemination of football, thanks to the workers sent around the world to carry out projects. Football is for example introduced in South America by workers on construction sites of railway lines. They go up teams and set up competitions first dedicated solely to British players, and then gradually open to players with local clubs. The case of South America is complex. There are also British clubs who practice this discipline and students from England play an important role in the introduction of football between Montevideo and Buenos Aires [35]. Thus, football settles permanently in nations such as Uruguay or Argentina in the years 1870-1880. In North America, competitions are created in the years 1880 (1884 U.S. East Coast) [36].

Football match in Belgium (Royal Excelsior Mouscron Standard Liege-) Belgium, where the English universities play a leading role [37], the Netherlands (first club founded in 1879 [37]), Switzerland (introduction of football in the 1860s and the first club in 1879 [38]) and Denmark (the first club in 1876 [39]) are among the first countries in continental Europe affected by football.

The expansion of the football is also due to travelers of various nationalities who have made visits to the United Kingdom where they were introduced to the game in France, the introduction of the football and is mainly the work of English teachers who bring their trips across the Channel linguistic rules and balloons in the school grounds [40]. The British were also instrumental in the introduction of football in France. The action of British clubs of Paris White and Standard Rovers AC bends the Union of French Societies of Athletic Sports (USFSA) January 9, 1894, which, in line with British clubs stiff, feared an expansion of the football and its vices, such as professionalism, transfers and Paris and refused to recognize this discipline [41]. In Germany, football is first clearly perceived as a foreign body in the nation and is scornfully nicknamed the "sport of the English" by the nationalists [42]. However, football is rooted in the cities (the first club founded in 1887: SC Germania Hamburg) where white-collar workers and rally around a common passion [42]. Northern Europe is gradually contaminated between the 1870s and early 1890s, and Southern Europe (South of France included) suffered the same fate in the 1890s and the early twentieth century.

Amateur football match in Rodez (France) The Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was founded in Paris in 1904 despite the British refusal to participate in an enterprise initiated by French leaders of the USFSA [43]. The primary purpose of the Union is to silence other French sport federations practicing football, and it imposes in the founding texts of the federation by FIFA only nation to be recognized by the international body. The trap is turned against the USFSA in 1908. Union slams the door of FIFA, leaving its main competitor, the French Committee Interfederal (direct ancestor of the current French Football Federation), headquartered in FIFA [44]; USFSA become isolated but its state of mind against the professionalism remains the rule until the late 1920s. The racingman Frantz Reichel and prophesy in 1922 that "the English professional football will die if he remains stationed on British soil [45].

In the late 1920s and early 1930s, several European nations and South America allow the professional to put an end to the scandals of amateurism brown affecting these countries since the 1910s. The French international goalkeeper Peter Chayrigues refuses and a "golden bridge" the English club, Tottenham Hotspur in 1913, he admitted in his memoirs that the Red Star players were well paid despite their official status amateur [46] . Austria (1924), Czechoslovakia and Hungary, (before 1930), Spain (1929), Argentina (1931), France (1932) and Brazil (1933) are the first nations (outside the United Kingdom) to authorize the professionalism in football [47]. In Italy, the Carta di Viareggio, set up by the fascist regime in 1926, provides the transition between amateur and professional, finally adopted in 1946 [48].

The members of the FIFA confederations.

CAF Africa
North America CONCACAF
CONMEBOL in South America
AFC in Asia and Australia
UEFA Europe
OFC OcéanieAu level continental confederations manage football. The former confederacy created is that of South America, CONMEBOL, founded July 9, 1916. Placed under the hierarchical authority of FIFA, confederations shall, however, maintain their independence. They all freedoms, for example, to organize their suitability qualified for the World Cup and to develop specific timetables, despite attempts to harmonize without reaching the FIFA. Cases in Africa and South America are significant. The African Cup of Nations (CAN), for example, is held every two years in high season posing problems for European clubs employing African players. The FIFA has no authority to set these calendars, and only the Confederation of African expertise on this issue.

According to a count by FIFA published May 31, 2007 [1], soccer is played worldwide by 270 million people of whom 264 500 000 players (239.5 million males and 26,000,000 females). There are approximately 301,000 to 1.7 million club teams and referees 840,000. 113 000 players are in professional status. The latter figure should be handled with caution because there are considerable differences between nations about the definition of a professional player. Germany is thus absent from the rankings of the top twenty nations at this level while other nations, less stringent definition of professional status, advanced data artificially high.

At the level of nations, China is leading with 26.166 million players practicing. Behind China, we find the United States (24,473,000), India (20.588), Germany (16.309), Brazil (13.198), Mexico (8.480), Indonesia (7.094), Nigeria (6.654), Bangladesh (6.280), Russia (5.803), Italy (4.980), Japan (4.805), South Africa (4.540), France (4.190) and England (4.164) . These figures take into account the licensees and unlicensed practitioners. Regarding the licensed players, the table below shows the data of the twelve national federations with the most registered players. Note that after the first final round of the 2006 World Cup team from France, the number of licensed players has surpassed two million in France (2,020,634) [49].

Players Licensed (in thousands, men and women at 1 July 2006)

The first game code date of 1848: The Cambridge Rules [14]. Other universities are following the example of Cambridge and enact their own regulations. Harrow puts in place a code authorizing the use of hands that will give birth to rugby and its variations, like American football and Canadian football. Football is based exclusively on the rules of Cambridge, who established themselves as the most simple. This notion of simplicity is the founder of football itself, as clearly indicated by the subtitle of JC Thring rules that refine the resolution of Cambridge in 1862: The Simplest Game [50] (The simplest game).

England-Scotland 1872Quand the Football Association (FA) is based in London October 26, 1863, John D. Cartwright is responsible for making a synthesis of different rules in use (Blackheath RC who followed the rules of Harrow, was a member of the FA) [51]. On January 9, 1864 [52], the first game played under its new 14 laws of the game is played [53]. They are blurred, particularly in the areas of number of players and size of the land or goals because no agreement has been reached on these points. The teams then have thirteen to fifteen players to eleven and then move gradually, despite the resistance of many teams in the late 1860s. In 1867, when the Surrey FA offers a game of eleven against eleven in Cambridge University FC, the latter replied by letter: "we play at least fifteen per team and we can not play with less than thirteen players per team [54] . Law 11 states that the use of hands is prohibited. In fact, it is broadly the resumption of the Cambridge Rules rules and JC Thring, hailed by all as the simplest [55].

On 1 December 1863, Sheffield FC claim affiliation to the FA [55]. Sheffield clubs will then follow a code of particular game but close to Cambridge Rules and is played to eleven against eleven [15]. For over a decade, the two codes coexist and influence each other while some clubs enact internal regulations stipulating that only their internal regulation is applicable. This does not heterogeneous FA refine its rules. This position of goalkeeper is created in 1870 [56]. Similarly, between 1867 and 1870, the rules of Sheffield know some changes as the abandonment of the red in 1868 [57] (dots similar to Australian football, with two additional poles located 4 yards goals). The clubs in the area of Nottingham, who also had a regulation similar to the Cambridge Rules, adopt the rules of the FA in 1867 [58].

The FA Cup was founded in 1871 on the principle of "one cup, two codes [59]. The FA is hoping to push the club from Sheffield to adopt its rules. It's almost the opposite occurs. In fact, merging the two codes in 1877 [60]. Since then, the rules are then consolidated in the custody of the International Board, established December 6, 1882.

Principles of play
The football involves two teams of eleven players on a rectangular field of 90-120 meters long and 45 to 90 meters wide. For international matches, the field dimensions are reduced between 64-75 meters wide and 100-110 meters long. The objective is to penetrate a spherical ball 68-70 cm in circumference and weigh 410-450 grams in order of 7.32 m long by 2.44 m in height. The goal is considered significant when the ball has completely crossed the goal line drawn on the ground between two poles.

Guardian Butler only player allowed to use his hands is the goalkeeper in his penalty area. In this same area, a fault which typically a direct free kick is penalized by a sudden kick (penalty). The latter runs on a point located 11 meters from the goal line. In addition to the faults of hands, other faults are mainly unsportsmanlike behavior and contacts between the players. The tackle is allowed, but regulated. A tackle from behind and is punished with a red card means expulsion. In case of less serious misconduct, a yellow card may be given by the referee to the offending player. If a player was handed a second yellow card during a single game, he was expelled.

The offside rule forces the attackers do not simply wait for the ball behind the defense. For a player is involved, there must always have at least two players (usually the goalie and a defender) between him and the opponent's goal line. The assistant referee signals with an offside flag which is judged by the departure of the ball, that is to say when the ferry made its happening, and not the arrival of the ball at the feet of attacker.

The game lasts 90 minutes in two halves of 45 minutes with a break of a quarter of an hour. At some cup matches before a winner or a qualifier (we can qualify two legs without necessarily winning the second leg), an extension of two fifteen minutes is played. After this period, in case of a tie, the kicks départagent the two formations.
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