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 Article Celebrations

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 58
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/02/2010
العمر : 28

Article Celebrations Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Article Celebrations   Article Celebrations Emptyالأحد 2 مايو 2010 - 5:30

Article Celebrations

The celebration is a ceremony in which an important event in the life of a group is highlighted, even staged, with his editing community: In this document, the Group strengthens its ties by remembering the past, to better live the present and open future. These celebrations are proof of the transcendence of the human, which is not confined to survive the mortal existence since the group through this memory.

The celebration takes the name of ritual when the event is celebrated the founding event of a structured community [ref. necessary]. The ritual prelude to the birth of a religion [ref. necessary], related to ensuring the cohesion of the community around him, entrusted by him to support his memory in the development of rituals and dogmas and to ensure its heritage. The influence of religious crowned by the sacred then flowed into the private sphere, where they exercised and still exercise a true monopoly on all celebrations.

Today many people, with no claim to any religion, however, believe in their transcendence: they translate into vague words like "I believe!", And especially in concrete acts of love in the actions they are sometimes capable, beyond any interest or any reason! Currently they are forced to "pass" by a religion to celebrate the transcendence at an important event. But even persons, associations or companies offer "secular celebrations," and a "secular spirituality" is formalized as a result of which all philosophers like Jankélévitch work sings of love and moral duty infinity.
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